1 |
It’s pity! |
真可惜! 真叫人遺憾、惋惜! |
2 |
It figures. |
可想而知 |
3 |
I figured. |
我了解 |
4 |
It all adds up. |
這導說得通 |
5 |
It won’t work. |
行不通 |
6 |
It’s awful. |
真糟糕 |
7 |
It kills my eyes. |
太精采 |
8 |
It makes me sick. |
太噁心 |
9 |
It’s a fib. |
這是謊言 |
10 |
It’s bugging me. |
煩死我了 |
11 |
It’s on the tip of my tongue. |
一時想不起來 |
12 |
It doesn’t hurt to try. |
試試看不要緊 |
13 |
It’s going a bit too far. |
這太過分了 |
14 |
That sends me! |
這是我喜歡 |
15 |
That’ll do. |
行, 就這樣 |
16 |
It’s nothing. |
小事, 沒什麼大不了 |
17 |
That’s really something. |
真不得了 |
18 |
It almost slipped my mind. |
我差點忘了 |
19 |
That’s no concern of yours. |
不關你的事 |
20 |
What’s the rush? |
急什麼? |
21 |
What’s new? |
最近怎樣? |
22 |
What have you been up to? |
最近都在忙些什麼? |
23 |
What a pain in the neck! |
真令人頭痛 |
24 |
What’s keeping you? |
什麼事情絆住你? |
25 |
What’s this stuff? |
這是什麼東西? |
26 |
What’s on your mind? |
有心事嗎? |
27 |
Penny for your thought! |
發什麼愣? |
28 |
What the hell! |
管他的 |
29 |
What gives? |
怎麼回事? |
30 |
What on earth are you doing? |
你到底在搞什麼名堂? |
31 |
How will this do? |
就這樣行嗎? |
32 |
How come? |
為什麼? |
33 |
How can you tell? |
你怎麼知道? |
34 |
Where to? |
到哪裡去? |
35 |
Where was I? |
我剛才說到哪? |
36 |
Are you expecting someone? |
你在等人嗎? |
37 |
Are you crazy? |
你瘋了嗎? |
38 |
Do I shock you? |
嚇你一跳嗎? |
39 |
Do you get the picture? |
你懂嗎? 明白了嗎? |
40 |
I’m lost! |
我一點也不明白 |
41 |
May I be excused? |
我可以先走一步嗎? |
42 |
Can I give you a hand? |
需要幫忙嗎? |
43 |
Can I give you a ride? |
送你一程如何? |
44 |
Who knows? |
天曉得 |
45 |
Who cares? |
我才不管 |
46 |
Still up? |
還沒睡嗎? |
47 |
Is that so? |
是嗎? |
48 |
I mean it! |
我可不是鬧著玩 |
49 |
You’re under no obligation. |
你並不是非做不可 |
50 |
You’ve been taken in. |
你被騙 |
51 |
You’re all wet. |
你完全搞錯 |
52 |
You’re damn right. |
對極 |
53 |
You’re got me. |
你把我給難倒 |
54 |
You’re putting me on the spot. |
你讓我為難 |
55 |
He’s really up tight. |
他真有點不對勁。(他很緊張) |
56 |
He’s real sly and crafty. |
他真是詭計多端 |
57 |
He’s my associate. |
他是我同事、好友、好兄弟 |
58 |
He’s really a soft touch. |
他真慷慨 |
59 |
She always has the last word. |
她最愛抬槓 |
60 |
She’ll be along in a jiffy. |
她馬上就來 |
61 |
She’s expecting. |
她有喜了 |
62 |
We made up. |
我們和好 |
63 |
Let’s make a night of it. |
我們熬個通霄吧! |
64 |
Let’s flip a coin. |
丟銅板決定好了 |
65 |
Don't get me wrong. |
別誤會我 |
66 |
Don't take it too hard. |
別太認真 |
67 |
Don't let me down. |
別叫我失望 |
68 |
Don't be silly. |
別傻 |
69 |
Don't give me that. |
少來這一套 |
70 |
Don't push me. |
別逼我 |
71 |
Don't bother. |
不用麻煩 |
72 |
Don't make a scene. |
別大吵大鬧 |
73 |
Don't take guff from anybody. |
別聽人胡說八道 |
74 |
Don't be so quick to judge. |
不要太武斷 |
75 |
Don't brush me off. |
別敷衍我 |
76 |
Don't turn me down. |
別拒絕我 |
77 |
Don't be sarcastic. |
別說風涼話 |
78 |
Don't be hysterical. |
別瘋瘋癲癲 |
79 |
Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud. |
別那麼老古板 |
80 |
No wonder. |
怪不得 |
81 |
Nothing much. |
沒什麼 |
82 |
By no means. |
決不 |
83 |
By all means. |
當然 |
84 |
Never mind. |
算了沒關係 |
85 |
Forget it. |
算了 |
86 |
Swell. |
好極了 |
87 |
Nice going. |
硬是要得(漂亮) |
88 |
No bell. |
沒印象 |
89 |
It rings my bell. |
我記起來了 |
90 |
My treat. |
我請客 |
91 |
Fat chance. |
機會渺茫 |
92 |
Take it easy. |
慢慢來,別緊張 |
93 |
Sure thing. |
當然 |
94 |
Believe it or not. |
信不信由你 |
95 |
Sink or swim. |
成敗全看你自己 |
96 |
You bet. |
一言為定 |
97 |
Bet you. |
跟你打賭 |
98 |
Time's up. |
時間到了 |
99 |
Hurry up. |
快一點 |
100 |
Go and take a nap. |
去休息一會 |
101 |
Be my guest / treat. |
我請客 |
102 |
Business is business. |
公事公辦 |
103 |
It's all been for nothing. |
一切都白費 |
104 |
Cross your heart. |
你發誓 |
105 |
Cross one's fingers. |
祈禱, 祝好運 |
106 |
Very impressive indeed. |
實在令人感到很深刻印象 |
107 |
Couldn't have been better. |
再好不過 (好極了) |
108 |
Couldn't have been worse. |
再糟不過 (糟透了) |
109 |
Look out. |
留意, 小心 |
110 |
Give me a buzz this evening. |
今晚打電話給我 |
111 |
Take my word for it. |
相信我的話 |
112 |
I have no choice. |
我無可奈何 (別無選擇) |
113 |
Have it your way. |
照你自己的想法做 |
114 |
For good. |
永遠 |
115 |
For good or for ill. |
好歹 (不管是好是壞) |
116 |
No hard feelings. |
不勉強 (隨便你) |
117 |
Like hell I will. |
才不做呢 |
119 |
Excuse me for a moment. |
失陪一下 |
120 |
Sorry to bother you. |
對不起, 打擾一下 (尚未發生) |
121 |
Sorry to have bothered you. |
對不起, 打擾了 (事後) |
122 |
Please do me a favor. |
請你幫個忙 |
123 |
Please hold your tongue about this. |
千萬守秘 |
124 |
Just between you and me. |
只可你知, 我知 |
125 |
Things are really getting tough. |
日子越來越難過 |
126 |
This is blackmail. |
這簡直就是敲詐 |
127 |
There is more to it. |
事情沒這麼單純 |
128 |
There are no strings attached. |
沒有附帶條件 |
129 |
Stop beating about. |
別兜圈子講話 |
130 |
Cross the bridge when we come to it. |
船到橋頭自然直 |
131 |
To play it by ear. |
即興而為 |
132 |
Shame on you. |
真丟臉 |
133 |
I'm beat / bushed / drained / tired / exhausted. |
真是累了 |
134 |
As fit as a fiddle. |
非常愜意, 很舒適 |
135 |
Fiddling around / with. |
無所事事 |
136 |
What a treat. |
真是太好 |
137 |
Come on. |
饒了我, 放我一馬吧 |
138 |
It's a breeze. |
容易事一樁 |
139 |
To breeze through it. |
迅速地做好 |
140 |
That's cool. |
真漂亮! 真酷! |
141 |
It beats me. |
問倒, 考倒我了 |
142 |
It's a lost cause. |
沒希望 |
143 |
Stick with it. |
別放棄 |
144 |
I'm just pulling your leg. |
只是逗你的 |
145 |
Would I ever. |
非常地 |
146 |
under the table |
非法交易 |
147 |
from the ground up |
全部從頭開始 |
148 |
for a song |
買了便宜貨 |
149 |
to pull strings |
通過重要人物,在幕后操縱 |
150 |
string someone along |
為了讓別人替自己做事,而愚弄、蒙蔽他,或是弔他的胃口。 |
151 |
to have a foot in both camps |
腳踏兩條船 |
152 |
food for thought |
引人深思的事情 |
153 |
fly blind |
在沒有外界幫助或者指點的情況下,自己試著去做 |
154 |
flat on one's back |
臥病在床 |
155 |
fix someone's wagon |
設法報復別人 |
156 |
fits and starts |
間歇的,一陣陣的 |
157 |
caught in the crossfire |
受到兩面夾擊 |
158 |
put one's finger on |
確切指出 |
159 |
have a field day |
玩得特別痛快,特別過癮 |
160 |
cozy up |
為了得到某種好處去巴結別人、討好別人 |
161 |
paint oneself into a corner |
讓自己陷入困境 |
162 |
come to one's senses |
恢復理性,醒悟過來 |
163 |
come out in the wash |
指某件事情會得到圓滿的解決 |
164 |
blow hot and cold |
不斷改變主意 |
165 |
the coast is clear |
沒有人阻礙,危險已經過去,可以開始行動 |
166 |
like a bull in a china shop |
笨手笨腳 |
167 |
cash cow |
搖錢樹 |
168 |
carry the day |
一個人、一件事、或是一種意見占據上風 |
169 |
trump card |
最行之有效的手段 |
170 |
can't make heads or tails of |
完全搞不明白 |
171 |
burn the candle at both ends |
蠟燭兩頭燒 |
172 |
icing on the cake |
錦上添花 |
173 |
burn at the stake |
極其嚴厲的懲罰 |
174 |
brownie Points |
做了好事而得到的稱贊、獎賞 |
175 |
come down on like a ton of bricks |
嚴厲懲罰 |
176 |
breathe down someone's neck |
對某人盯得特別緊 |
177 |
bread and butter |
生計,主要收入來源 |
178 |
rock bottom |
最低點 |
179 |
make no bones about |
直言不諱 |
180 |
bone up |
強化學習 |
181 |
by the book |
循規蹈矩,照章辦事 |
182 |
hit below the belt |
不公正地、用卑劣的手段攻擊別人 |
183 |
a blank check |
可以全權處理 |
184 |
beyond a Doubt |
毫無疑問 |
185 |
put one's best foot forward |
努力給別人留下一個非常好的第一印象 |